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An Inclusive Society in Which Many are Excluded


Society must be inclusive.  The dignity and natural rights of everyone must be respected.

Most every human being on the planet would probably agree with these statements.  The “Catechism of the Catholic Church” even states as much in CCC 1935.

At the same time, however, the Church recognizes that sin harms society:

1865 Sin creates a proclivity to sin . . .

1869 Thus sin makes men accomplices of one another and causes concupiscence, violence, and injustice to reign among them. Sins give rise to social situations and institutions that are contrary to the divine goodness. “Structures of sin” are the expression and effect of personal sins. They lead their victims to do evil in their turn. In an analogous sense, they constitute a “social sin.”

Unfortunately, when the elites and progressives (in short, the Left) speak of an inclusive society where “everyone” is included, they mean that we must accept sinfulness and immorality as something to be celebrated.

What the Left really means by inclusive is that those who have immoral sexual proclivities, those who are confused about what sex they are, those who think murdering babies is no big deal, and even those who break laws demonstrating or entering a country illegally must be fully accepted by society.

And just to be clear here, accepting means approving.  Heaven help you if you are a baker who does not condone same-sex marriage, or a farmer who does not support Pride month.


The Left has even coined a new acronym to express their views:  DEI.  It stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and it is mandatory thinking in the workplace, in schools, and really, everywhere.  DEI is “an ethos that recognizes the value of diverse voices and emphasizes inclusivity . . .”

So, DEI is the new set of guiding beliefs for everyone in society.  But it’s more than this.  It’s more like a claw hammer.  The claw side is meant to pull up those who are confused and those with immoral proclivities.  The face of the hammer beats down anyone who disagrees with this new, so-called spirit of the age.

In other words, the Left’s inclusive society is not really inclusive. “Everyone” does not really include Catholics, other orthodox Christians, or anyone not on the Left.

From Tolerance to Acceptance

A mere 10 years ago, the Left and the LBGTQ activists were saying everyone needed to be tolerant of homosexual and other “queer” behaviors.  Many pointed out at the time that tolerance would soon become full blown acceptance.  And, sure enough, that is what happened.

In 2015 SCOTUS found that the Constitution of United States allowed same-sex marriage (Obergefell v. Hodges).  Even though marriage is not even mentioned in the Constitution, the majority progressive justices on the court said it was there.  Mere tolerance was no longer acceptable.  We now had to accept immoral, intrinsically disordered behaviors as well as man’s redefinition of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.  It was the law.  Man had overruled God.

As Donald DeMarco wrote recently in the National Catholic Register, “Those who begged for tolerance, once they have their way, become violently intolerant of their beneficiaries. Foul becomes fair, as Shakespeare’s witches proclaim, while fair becomes foul. It is not a question of giving in to the dissidents, but arming them.”

In fact, society has so armed them that the LGBTQ activists, appropriated June (with full and complete endorsement by the Left) as PRIDE month.  It is now the month in which we are all supposed to celebrate intrinsically disordered behavior.

And don’t for a minute think that picking the month of June was not intentional. At one time June was the prime month for weddings.  Young ladies dreamed of becoming “June Brides.”  It’s also the month the Catholic Church dedicates to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Murdering Babies and Gender Stupidity

Murdering unborn babies must also be accepted. But if you believe that murdering unborn babies is heinous, the Left will do their best to see that you are excluded from society.

“My body, my choice” was the battle cry popularized by the feminists.  Roe v Wade (another misinterpretation of the Constitution) locked in this new right. The murdered babies did not get a vote.  Thankfully, SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade in 2022.  Now, however, a handful of individual states controlled by the Left are trying to continue this legacy of murder.

Extensions of this right to choose were same sex ‘marriage’ and now the ridiculous belief that people can choose what sex they want to be.  This idiocy says men who say they are women can compete in women’s sports.  They should also be able to use women’s locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms.

In Oregon now, if you do not subscribe to this woke gender stupidity, you will not be allowed to adopt children.  But two men or two women living in an immoral relationship can adopt children.  Go figure.

Apparently, we are supposed to “follow the science” except when it comes to certain biological facts that are inconvenient.  But only the Left gets to decide which scientific facts can be ignored.

Women Priests?

Gender stupidity is even affecting the Catholic Church in a curious way.  Some dissident women seem to think they should be allowed to become priests.  At the very least, they say, women should be able to become deacons.

According to an article in the dissident National Catholic Reporter “Several institutes at Georgetown University hosted a conversation on women’s ordination in the Catholic Church on April 17, with a five-member panel of theologians and local lay leaders discussing the church’s answer on the issue as “unfinished.”

The issue is, however, only “unfinished” if one is a dissident or radical. Pope St. John Paul II settled the issue in his Apostolic Letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis.  In the letter he states, “I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church’s faithful.”

Commenting on this letter, to Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Professor of Systematic Theology, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit MI, said:

“St. John Paul II, in 1994, did not state that the Church’s inability to confer priestly ordination on woman was revealed by God. Rather, he stated that this decision “is to be definitively held by all the faithful.  Thus, his 1994 judgment was definitive and irreformable, but it is also infallible because the Holy Spirit protects the Magisterium from error when it makes such definitive judgments.”

Never Give Up, Never Surrender

The dissidents, however, will never accept that the issue is settled.  That’s how they roll.  Dissidents and radicals never, ever admit defeat.  They dare not do so.  It would mean they were wrong.  This would hurt their pride (the devil’s favorite sin).

But, if you were one of the objectors to the Covid vaccines, ‘my body, my choice’ no longer applied. It only works for murdering babies, immoral, intrinsically disordered sexual behavior or gender stupidity.  Since murdering babies is okay, if you objected to taking an abortion-tainted vaccine, too bad.  And the sheer possibility that you might not isolate yourself if you contracted Covid, and possibly infect someone else with it, was something too horrific to contemplate.

And if you like to loot and destroy others’ property when you demonstrate, or if you are here in this country illegally, that’s okay.  You are still entitled to full and equal participation in society.  All voices must be heard.  Anyone in a country illegally should even be able to get a driver’s license so they can drive legally.  They should even be allowed to vote, even though they are not citizens of the country.

Only those on the Left know what’s right – an oxymoron if ever there was one.

Excluded From Being Included

The free exercise of religion, guaranteed in the first Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, is a problem for the Left.  They view religion as a disqualifier from being included in the wonderful, inclusive, utopian society they envision.  This is because some creeds see the immorality of sexual perversion and gender stupidity.  Such unacceptance is a no-no; it’s an automatic exclusion from being included.

So, if you adhere to religious beliefs that say certain sexual perversions are immoral and sinful, you are excluded from being included.  You are also excluded if you believe that men cannot be women (and vice versa).  And you should not have a voice in the public square, the Left says.  You must keep your mouth shut.  If you voice a dissenting opinion, you will be cancelled, and, if possible, your life will be ruined somehow, and, if possible, you will even be jailed.

Voicing an opinion that goes against the views of the Left is not only hurtful, it is downright hateful.  David Carlin offers a salient perspective on this phenomenon at the Catholic Thing.

As such, in a country where freedom of speech is guaranteed in the Constitution, the Left is trying to limit free speech. It turns out it’s not that hard to do.  All you have to do is gain control of the entertainment industry, mainstream media, social media, local school boards, and the educational system.  You can block, censor, or ban ideas, and dox people you don’t like.

The Left has long known this.  They learned it from Karl Marx.

Atheists and Snowflakes

And thanks to Karl Marx and others of his ilk, Atheism is slowly rising, and more so on the Left and among young adults. As Gallup notes, “Belief in God has fallen the most in recent years among young adults and people on the left of the political spectrum (liberals and Democrats).”

The Left’s efforts have also succeeded in turning many millennials into ‘snowflakes.’  These snowflakes need safe zones, trigger warnings, and therapy dogs.

According to the description of the book “Snowflake Generation” by Lionel Bolnet, these snowflake adults “are said to be less resilient, less courageous, humorless and constant whiners.  . . . Once exposed to the outside world, around 2010, this character trait astonishes everyone, and even the snowflakes themselves. They don’t take risks, complain a lot, can’t stand annoyance, hate criticism, want to be pampered at the office and see discrimination around every corner.”  And this is true even of some  young Catholics.

Heaven help us if these snowflakes don’t grow up.

Of course, not all millennials are snowflakes, just like not all baby boomers were hippies and radicals.  But like the radical boomers, the wimpy, whiney snowflakes could also impact society and our country in a not good way.  Someone who wants to be pampered, for instance, is not likely to be inclined to put him or herself out for others.

This attitude is showing up in the armed services’ recruiting efforts.  The military missed its recruiting target by 25 percent in 2022.  In 2023 the number is likely to be even higher.   According to surveys conducted for the army, “young people simply do not see the Army as a safe place . . . “

The Real Fascists and Totalitarians

The Left claims those on the right are totalitarians and fascists.  But it is those on the Left who are the real totalitarians. They also practice their own kind of fascism.  Leftist Fascism might be described thusly:

A far-left, authoritarian, ultra-globalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a cadre of dictatorial, autocratic leaders, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the earth and the elitists of the human race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), and her squad of far-left, socialist Democrats typify this kind of fascism.  In her rant against the Parental Rights Act she decried fascism while actually calling for it.  (Note that this is not a personal attack against AOC; it is simply an observation.)

Like many on the Left, AOC thinks the state’s authority in regard to children supersedes parental authority.  This thinking is playing out big time in states like Minnesota and California.  Legislators in both states think the state should have the authority to seize custody of children whose parents refuse to allow their children to take gender transitioning drugs and have mutilating surgery performed on their children.

It’s long been recognized that a small, radicalized, determined, and very vocal minority can change society.  And the US has had a front row seat in seeing this play out for the last 60 plus years.  A relatively small group of far left, socialist-fascist-totalitarian-secular-progressive ideologues has been a driving force in our culture for decades.

The never-ending harangues of the Left are rapidly creating a post-Christian society.  This is why articles such as this are constantly needed.   They shine a light on the emotional, immoral, and irrational harangues of the Left.


In 1884 Pope Leo XIII is said to have had a vision in which he overheard a conversation between God and Satan.  Satan is said to have asked for one century so that he could destroy the Church, and God granted him the 100 years.  Pope Leo was so unnerved by the vision that he composed the Prayer to St. Michael. He also issued instructions that it be said at the conclusion of every Low Mass.

But in 1968, Pope St. Paul VI suppressed the recitation of prayer.  Just four years later, however, on June 29, 1972, he acknowledged that something was amiss. He wrote “through some crack, the smoke of Satan has entered the Church of God.” He voiced these words that same day, the ninth anniversary of his coronation, during a homily given at a mass for the solemnity of Saint Peter and Saint Paul.  Suppressing the prayer to St. Michael was probably not a good idea.

The smoke of Satan has harmed the Church in several ways.  Most importantly, it has done great harm to the Church’s moral authority in the eyes of the world.  And the world is very much in need of the Church’s moral authority because its authority comes from God.

But the smoke of Satan has done as much, if not more harm to society.  The “wickedness and snares of the devil” have resulted in a great deal of immorality, confused thinking, and disregard for God’s truths.

If God does plan on giving mankind a Warning, I hope His plan is to do so sooner rather than later.

The post An Inclusive Society in Which Many are Excluded appeared first on Catholic Stand.

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